Posts Tagged ‘gardening’


Earth Day at LuuLay

April 22, 2009

It should come as no surprise that we here at LuuLay are fans of the environment. And yes, we like bugs (although one can assume that was obvious given the nature of our designs). Because it’s Earth Day and because we like bugs, here are some planet-friendly tips involving our many-legged friends (or foes, however you want to look at it) to celebrate a day that should be recognized EVERY day.

Orange Peel

The zest of an orange is not only delicious in many recipes, it’s actually a natural, toxic-free insect repellent. No lie! Keep some peels handy after stuffing your face with that vitamin C-packed fruit (but not too long, you need the oils here!) and rub it on your skin. The bugs will stay away — promise! What’s better is you won’t smell like a chemical plant. In fact, you’ll smell downright delicious — but NOT to the bugs!

Praying Mantis

Madeline Mantodea is good for other things besides biting the heads off her male counterparts. The praying mantis is a fantastic predator for your garden to keep those would-be pests at bay. Believe it or not, you can purchase praying mantis eggs on the internet and put them in your garden yourself. In fact, the mantis is an extremely territorial insect, so it WILL stay where it hatches. The winning situation is your garden is chemical-free and full of really beautiful insects. Also, spiders are good for this, too. They’re just not as aggressive as the mantis.

Butterfly Garden!

Nothing brings a smile to your face quite like dancing butterflies. Oh, come on — they do! Why not pretty up your property by planting some easy-to-care-for perennials for your winged friends? It’s high time for butterfly migration and those monarchs and swallowtails will be very thirsty! You’ll not only add to the beauty of the environment with all of those gorgeous flowers, but you’ll give some much needed nutrition for a traveling beauty.


Mulch is a great space for spiders to hide in your garden, thus providing a chemical-free way to rid your garden of pests. Also, mulch is fabulous for retaining moisture, so mulch it up!

Attract Beneficial Buggies to Your Garden

Bees, butterflies, ladybugs and a few others are the kinds of buggies you want hanging around your garden. Why? They keep the bad ones that could serve as a detriment to your garden away. There is a great article over at Mother Earth’s Garden that offers up some advice on how to get the good ones to come. 

And if bugs are just really annoying you and you want a completely bug-free garden, here is a totally toxic-free insect repellent that is completely Earth-friendly!

1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp chili powder
1 tbsp natural dishwashing soap (We are fans of Seventh Generation’s lemongrass and clementine zest!)
1/2 cup water

Shake the mixture well, add to a spray bottle, and spray the plants that are getting attacked.

Happy Earth Day!!